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State Senate members in California have called for almost $1 billion worth of cap-and-trade generated funds to be allocated toward clean vehicle placement and diesel retrofit and replacement projects. The full article from Fleets & Fuels is here, but here are the quick hits you should know:

Source: fleetsandfuels.com


Programs being targeted for boosted funding include:

  • California Clean Truck and Bus Program
  • Carl Moyer Air Quality Standards Attainment Program
  • Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Program


Positioning comments during the announcement included:

  • The creation of high-paying clean energy jobs
  • The need to eliminate “dirty diesel” trucks and buses
  • The health benefits of decreased smog and pollution in California cities


According to an early program summary, the funds would go toward:

  • Increasing Carl Moyer funding for vehicles that beat existing requirements, from $69 million to $350 million, which funds the retrofit or replacement of heavy-duty vehicle engines, off-road vehicles, locomotives, and portable or stationary agricultural engines, such as those used in agricultural water pumping.
  • $350 million for the California Clean Truck, Bus, and Off-Road Vehicle and Equipment Technology Program, incentivizing the purchase of zero-emissions trucks, buses, and freight equipment.
  • $150 million for “light-duty equity pilots,” especially EFMP Plus Up, which primarily serves disadvantaged communities, agricultural worker vanpools and car-sharing, promoting replacement of inefficient and ultra-polluting vehicles with hybrid or zero-emission alternatives.
  • $20 million for zero-emission school buses.


Supporters of the plan include California Democratic Senators Richard Pan, Nancy Skinner, Ricardo Lara, Bob Wieckowski, and Steven Bradford.


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